The other day I was just off.
You know what I’m talking about? Ever feel super negative, maybe out of sync with your kid/partner/roommate all day? You might even be aware of it and try a few things to lighten up, shake off the bad feelings, let it go…but you just can’t? Yeah, it was that kind of day.
I spent the whole afternoon + some of the evening feeling this way. Couldn’t shake it. Then even when I had some time to myself in the hour or two before bed, I couldn’t even decide what I wanted to do. I thought of going for a walk or doing some yoga. I mostly kind of sat on my phone, somewhat meaningfully connecting with friends, somewhat burning time until bedtime and feeling super brain fog-y.
I ended up connecting with a co-counselor for a “mini” (mini counseling session on the phone) and could feel that cracks start to form in my rock-solid mindset. But they were just cracks, and I could have let them sit.
Instead, after I took a shower (full believer that being in/around water in any capacity is healing), I got out my journal and just started writing “I feel” statements.
Boy, did I fill a few pages.
I wrote about feeling depressed & disconnected, angry & straight-up rage-ful, robbed & disappointed.
I feel like, for me (and probably a lot of others) it is becoming increasingly easy for part of my mind to trick me into believing everything is getting “back to normal-ish” and that the bulk of the mental/emotional processing of this situation we’ve been in since March is over/is no longer needed.
I’m writing this to myself and to you, dear reader: There is so much more to process.
This experience was yet another reminder of that fact. The level at which our lives have been upended, taken in next to the time + bandwidth most of us (especially parents…especially moms) have had to process the changes (spoiler: very little!) is absolutely overwhelming.
It gets hard to remember that we have been and still are living through a truly historic moment. And, with that, how much time & space our minds + hearts really need to absorb and process all that has and will happen.
And I am a firm believer that we can all use help with this kind of work…at all times, but especially now, in these unprecedented times.
I’m here to tell you and myself:
-it’s ok if you haven’t been able to meet some of you basic mental/emotional/physical needs
-it’s ok if you aren’t even sure exactly what you need.
Not that it’s ok as in “Yeah, yeah, everything is fine, just keep going,” but as in it’s totally normal given the truly extraordinary circumstances.
I feel like it’s especially important to keep reaching for each other, keep finding ways to stay connected & feel supported, because this thing is far from over, and there’s so much coming up for so many of us that needs healing.
I started up my Radiant Soul Mamas offerings during the stay-at-home orders because I felt a pull in myself (and suspected other felt the same) to be connected, to get out of the fire hose thinking mind & into the body, and process some stuff - with the support of other mamas who were going through something similar and who got me.
I’m continuing these offerings now - read on for more info!
1) The new Radiant Soul Mama Group is a group of moms who do weekly check-ins with one another to set and pursue intentions relating to self-care.
These goals could be anything from exercise to carving out an hour or two of "me" time each week to meditating for five minutes per day, or anything in between that will serve you & you'd like some extra support to make sure it happens.
*perfect for the busy mama who can't necessarily commit to a specific weekly check-in time but wants to establish a self-care habit in community with other moms!*
The first "session" of the group will run from this Sunday, July 5 - August 2. Interested? Send me a message and I'll add you to the group!
2) The next Radiant Soul Mamas Circle will be Saturday, July 18, at 8:30 pm EST.
The Circle is a time to build connections with inner self & other mamas with
a brief guided meditation, journaling, & conversation with other moms.Grab a cup of tea or a glass of wine and join us!
Note: I am asking for a $5/person fee for this opportunity.
If this is not feasible for you at this time, please just send me an email. <3Click the link below to register for the Mama Circle by Friday July 17 at 10 pm.
I am particularly excited about the Group because I feel like it’s a low time commitment & flexible opportunity but super effective way to be connect with other moms, and feel less alone, figure out what we need & want for ourselves and build in some loving accountability to remind us of our intentions for ourselves and cheer us on to get there.